Thursday, July 20, 2017

Self Organized Learning Environments

If you can take the time to watch it is a great video, Sugata Mitra is the 2013 TED Prize winner. The video centers around the idea that children can teach themselves. Sugata Mitra carried out an experiment in India where he left an old computer in a poor village and when he came back three months later the children asked for a better processor and new mouse. Sugata really affirms a longstanding belief that I've had that we can teach ourselves and so can students. As teachers we need to provide students informal opportunities to explore. It is important to balance out the overload of explicitness. This is where technology becomes so vital. This post relates to mindset, because we need to support students in accepting the fact that they can be in charge of their own learning.


  1. I really liked this video! In my experience I have found many students who really struggle to take initiative and try new things without being walked through it by myself or another student. They assume that because they are unfamiliar with something, they are incapable of understanding it without assistance from others. It has taken a lot of patience and understanding, but I have had some success showing students that they can do things they thought they could not. It really does have a lot to do with mindset (a topic that has its own bulletin board in my room :)). It it much more powerful than a lot of people realize.

  2. I've been impressed with many speakers on TED. It's thinking outside the box and not everyone learns the same way. Thanks for sharing. This goes great with your mindset concept.
